Working Moms and #GirlPower – Our Favorite Reads of the Week!

Recently we've run across some really great articles on women in business all across the wide reaches of the internet. These have all been SUCH great discussion starters for all of us, and we wanted to give you a roundup of all the pieces in one place.

From moms at work to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's badassery, here are the articles we've been talking about lately!

our favorite articles

• Where Are All the Women Creative Directors?

Image via Namelas Frade on Flickr

Image via Namelas Frade on Flickr

Women control 80% of consumer spending, but only 3% of creative directors are female. Three percent! What's more, about the same number of men and women start out in advertising.

What?! Why? This insightful article covers the reasons behind that huge gap and talks to some extremely successful women in creative industries about their experiences.

Image via the Wall Street Journal, Ellen Weinstein

Image via the Wall Street Journal, Ellen Weinstein

Though surveys show that men and women work about the same number of hours a week, they also show that men and women experience their time very differently. Women still carry a much heavier load at home. Why? How does that make sense?

Well, not all work is created equal. That is, some work is harder, takes more energy, and can be more stressful than other work, even if the two take the same amount of time. And the tasks that women still overwhelmingly perform at home can come at a much more taxing price for moms. 

Check out this look at research into those differences in moms' and dads' time over at this article in the Wall Street Journal.

• If Dads Heard The Inane Crap That's Spouted At Working Moms

This heads up on a hilarious parody Twitter account comes at us by way of Erica over at Nona Birth Education & Counseling through one of their recent Facebook shares.

A user with the Twitter account @manwhohasitall has been tweeting gems like these to highlight the ridiculous things working moms hear all the time:

We hear these things being said to working moms so often we've almost become immune to them. So the fact that we take notice once the tables are turned and it's dads in the spotlight is definitely telling.

The account is hilarious and the article has some great quotes from the creator too!

• 11 Costumes for a #GirlPower Halloween

Step away from the sexy nurse costume. Please.

After so much reflecting on the inequalities that still exist out there in the world, we could definitely use some #girlpower pick-me-up positive energy.

This article is exactly that!

Madi Feller, friend and all-around baller, has a whole host of amazing suggestions for unforgettable costumes that are 100% #GirlPower certified. Definitely read through these awesome suggestions and go represent out there on Halloween!

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